Wolbongsa Temple – 월봉사 (Dong-gu, Busan)
Temple History Wolbongsa Temple is located in Dong-gu, Busan to the south of Mt. Gubongsan (404.5 m). Additionally, Wolbongsa Temple is scenically located with the Port of Busan and the Namhang Bridge off in the distance. It’s unclear when Wolbongsa Temple was first constructed. Temple Layout You first arrive at Wolbongsa Temple through a network of old Busan houses. When you finally do arrive at the temple, you’ll notice that Wolbongsa Temple is beautifully perched atop a compact temple courtyard that overlooks the Port of Busan. In fact, if you look close enough, you’ll notice the Namhang Bridge off in the distance, as well. Stepping into the temple courtyard, the…