Huiyangsan Sect – Bongamsa Temple (Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do)
The Huiyangsan sect is located at the Bongamsa Temple on Mt. Huiyangsan in Mungyeong in present-day Gyeongsangbuk-do. The sect was founded by Jijeung Doheon (824-882 A.D.). Doheon’s family name was Kim, and his mother’s family name was Yun. He originally came from Gyeongju, and his posthumous name is Jijeung. Doheon first studied the Hwaeom doctrinal teachings from the monk Beomche. Doheon would be taught Seon Buddhism by a Korean teacher who learned under Mazu Daoyi (709-788 A.D.). One of Doheon’s lay-supporters, Sim Chung, asked him to found Bongamsa Temple, which would help to expand and popularize the Seon sect. Among his disciples were Seonggyeon, Minhyu, and hundreds of others who…